Ok, I’m going to stop you right there. If there is any excuse I have heard the most as to why a mama wants to skip a maternity session it is because they hate the way they look. Too big, too small, too many stretchmarks, too swollen, too old, like seriously you guys, I’ve heard it all. While your feelings are incredibly valid, here are some reasons why you should ignore the self doubt and get those pregnancy photographs.

01. This is a celebration!
Whether this is your first baby, your fifth, or somewhere in between, this is an exciting time! You’ve announced to your friends and family, made your baby list with all kinds of new goodies, and you’re watching that belly grow in anticipation of your new arrival. Save all of those smiles to look back on and remember this amazing feeling.
02. It’s part of the journey!
Your motherhood journey doesn’t begin when you hold your baby in your arms, it begins when you first get those two wonderful lines. Documenting this time in your life allows you to look back at your experience and live it again. It might not seem important now, but once it’s done, it’s done. (I know, sad right???) Not just a maternity session, but take those selfies, show that bump throughout your nine months. The joy, the love, the excitement, the nervousness; your little one will grow up and get to see how it all came to be.

03. It’s all about YOU!
Your body is doing amazing things, mama. You are literally growing an entire human being! One that will probably turn out to look like their dad (huge side eye roll), but it’s ok, we all know you did the hard work. Once the baby gets here it’s all about them, but this, right now, this is YOUR time to shine. You think you’re too something, or not enough something, but I’m here to tell you that regardless of how you see yourself, the rest of us see a beautiful woman going through one of the happiest times in her life. When you look back at this, you’ll see it with different eyes than the ones looking in the mirror right now. I promise. So dance on the beach like no one is watching, stand confident, dream into the sunset; I’ll be there to record it all.

04. Pamper yourself, because you deserve it!
You’ve been through the morning sickness, the ligament pulling, the kicking in the ribs, the peeing 25 times a day, the complete giving up of your privacy at doctors appointments, you name it. You’re a trooper, and you deserve a moment. A true, I’m a fantastical human being, I am gorgeous, hear me roar moment. Hair, make-up, personal styling, snacks, the royal treatment; I am here to serve you! Tell me you want drama, and I’ll break out the tulle (my personal favorite!). Tell me you want glam, and we’ll get you into the perfect dress from the client closet. Tell me you want a more intimate look, and we’ll have your session in front of some dreamy window light in the studio. Whatever suits you best, let’s do it.
Here’s the bottom line…
You may prefer another photographer’s style, maybe you want to save all your money for your newborn session, perhaps you waited too long to schedule and you’re 38 weeks today. It doesn’t matter, TAKE THE PICTURE. Whether it is me, another photographer, your husband with his phone, or using a tripod, get that pregnancy image. Put on your best outfit, take the time to brush your hair and look your best (even if you need to ask for help because just the thought of getting up is exhausting), and get at least ONE really good photograph of you in this moment in your life. You’ll only regret it if you don’t. <3
BONUS! For your entertainment, here is yours truly in some favorites from my fourth pregnancy, humungous belly and extra 60 pounds and all:

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